Friday, October 15, 2010

I have been a very bad girl...

because I haven't updated in forever!

I'm not sure what an accurate weight for me is right now, as it's been fluctuating a lot. One day it will say like 176, the next 180, but it hasn't been over 180 for a while which still translates to me losing something. I know I need a new picture for that milestone, I've just been too lazy to take one. XD

I finally heard back from the doctor about the $580 worth of blood work I had done. You'll never believe it, but my male hormone levels are high! *is shocked* I won't get a real detailed account of my results until I go back at the end of December.

He also switched me to the extended release Metformin since the regular ones have been making me nauseous. I haven't tried them yet though because I've been too busy to run by the pharmacy and get them.

According to my tracker AF is almost a week late, so at the moment I'm researching ways to induce it. Waiting more days/weeks/months for it to show up on its own causes too much anxiety. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share!