Monday, September 13, 2010

What week am I on again? I hear a bad memory is another symptom of PCOS.

Since today is Monday I weighed myself this morning and am now 181. I've noticed that I'm not loosing nearly as much as I used to, but that's not really a bad thing. Losing two pounds a week is actually really healthy. I feel like I'm about to plateau. I hope I don't for another monthish because then I think I can combat it with exercise. Right now it's still too hot and too humid, but once fall rolls in I'll actually be in the mood to be outside more than 2 minutes. We plan to start going for nightly walks together along with our other stuff. I'm hoping that change will get me over the wall once I hit it.

And anyway, even if I only lose an average of one pound a week between now and my cruise, I would still be way ahead of schedule. In fact, that would put me right around my goal for May! So I really can't complain much unless I just stop losing at all.

My pants seem a little looser but not as much as I would expect. I wonder if I could be losing boob weight? It's certainly not a bad thing if I am, Lord knows my back could use a break lol. Ideally of course I would be losing both boob and tummy weight though. Think I might take a new picture tomorrow even though I'm one pound early. Would rather do that then take it at a few pounds under.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What a lovely couple of weeks I'm having...

Since my last update I've spent most of my time either a)in pain, b)asleep, c)wishing I was asleep, or d)in a medicated haze.

I did in fact get my period, and while the cramps were as bad as ever the flow was actually pretty light. I only had to double up with pads and tampons one day (the rest using a liner just in case), and I actually got to use "regular" strength tampons some days instead of ultra or super plus! I'm not sure whether I should expect this to be the norm or if it was some fluke due to just going off HBC. For now I'm going to say fluke as to not get my hopes up. According to my tracker AF's next visit should be around October 10th so we'll see then.

Speaking of my tracker, I've just noticed that I'm scheduled to ovulate three days before my first wedding anniversary (19th). I'm pretty sure I won't actually ovulate but I would have been on the Metformin for about two months by then so who knows... Better be careful just in case. Also if my cycles stay around 45-50 days long I should be in the clear for my cruise. Josh and I have never been on a vacation together, and since this is counting as our late honeymoon/anniversary/Christmas/Valentine's Day/birthday presents to each other I'd hate to see AF ruin it. Oh well no use worrying about it now, I suppose. Back to what I came here to talk about...

Right when AF was starting to pack her bags, my lovely boss (I mean that, not even in a sarcastic way!) gave me the flu. I missed my Monday classes last week, but luckily for me the rest of my classes were cancelled for various reasons. I made it to work, but honestly if I had known it was the flu I would have stayed home. No need infecting half the student body, you know. But while I felt bad all week it didn't hit me that it was the flu till Thursday night after I got off. See when Ani told us she had the flu I though I was in the clear because I had already gotten it. But when I woke up in the middle of the night Thursday feeling like I had been run over by a bus, I realized that while I *did* get the flu already, that was almost a year ago and thus doesn't count lol. After a long holiday weekend and plenty of death flavored cough/flu medication I'm back to feeling about 75%. The last two days the body aches have almost gone away but I'm still struggling with migraines.

I did manage to weigh in yesterday and only managed to lose two pounds over the last two weeks (probably because I haven't done anything but sleep all day, which surprisingly doesn't burn many calories). While I was hoping to be down to 180, 183 isn't so bad. I've already reached my first goal, and I did it almost a month early. I'm not gonna adjust my other goals yet though because I'm afraid of plateauing. I'd think I could lose another 8 pounds over the next three months since I've lost 12 already, but I'd much rather meet my goals early than not make them.