Thursday, December 9, 2010

I started out so strong.

But don't we always? No one starts out only giving 50%. No one starts out hitting a wall. And that's exactly where I am. I feel like a noob who don't know how to autorun.

I've been hovering between 175 and 185 since well, the last time I updated this, whenever that was. My next deadline is Monday, and I should be at 175 by then... but I might not be, at least not consistency. I also haven't had a real period since the end of August. I did everything I could think of (shy of taking provera) to induce one, and I did bleed a little bit, but I really can't count that. According to my tracker I'm on day 107. =/

Some of this is my fault, and I'll own up to it. I haven't taken my meds as religiously as I should ever since starting the extended release. I'm supposed to take it with dinner, but I don't always eat dinner at the same time or place. I often forget to bring it with me/take it if we are at a friend's or we go out to eat. I've tried to be better at it though.

I've also been quite stressed, and I know I gain weight while stressed. My body assumes the stress is due to drought, or floods, or being stuck on an island without the help of DHARMA or Mary Ann to make me banana cream pies. Stupid metabolism. :(

I go back to the doctor at the end of the month. Hopefully they can help me move past this.

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