Monday, December 27, 2010

"There's nothing else we can do"

Those have to be the hardest words to hear from your doctor. I do feel lucky that at least I'm hearing it about a condition that isn't fatal or anything.

My androgens are high. *Gasp*, right? According to my endocrinologist the only thing they can do to help is put me back on hormonal birth control. I'm on Metformin already, which should help some. I explained how I've had bad experiences with every HBC I've been on and he suggested an IUD. Because I've totally got enough money lying around to purchase an IUD in hope that it will work and not cause even more problems. Since I didn't want to do that, he just made me a new appointment for 6 months from now. I need to get more blood work done before then to see if there are any changes (but I only have to check the androgens rather than EVERYTHING like last time).

I guess I was just hoping for more than that.

Tomorrow I have to call and make an appointment with my gynecologist since I am now on day 125 since my last period. I'm sure I'm just going to hear the HBC spiel from her too. I really hope that she'll give me some provera and it will actually work on the first cycle. Last time it took two.

For Christmas I got Taking Charge of Your Fertility, but I just started reading it today. I need to get one of the thermometers still. I'm hoping that it will help reduce some of the anxiety I feel over getting/not getting my period. I should have a better idea of whether I will be getting it or not once I've got the system down so I won't be as paranoid. And I will be able to tell for certain whether I've ovulated or not, which is kind of exciting.

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