Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 2 - Holy side effects, Batman!

My first day on Metformin and Adipex was okay, but not great. I'm hoping things will get better as the days go on.

Yesterday afternoon about 3pm I noticed my blood sugar drop rather abruptly. I new this was a possible side effect, but it was still rather scary. When this happens to my diabetic friends they usually reach for a Snickers or a soda or something sugary to get it to go back up. Well, another side affect for the Metformin is getting nauseous after eating sugar! So I wasn't sure what to do. I ate a sandwich for the carbs, but it didn't really help. I ended up having to get a soda so I would be okay be 4:45 when I needed to go to work. I did get sort of nauseous but not too bad! From now on I think I'm just going to try and get a steady carb intake all day so it doesn't happen again.

Another side effect is insomnia. You're not *supposed* to suffer from this unless you take the Adipex within 4 hours before bed, but I guess that doesn't apply to me. I was able to fall asleep fine, but woke up after about two hours and could never quite get back to sleep. This sucks since I really need my 8 hours to function in the morning, 10 is better. I'm just glad I didn't need to drive anywhere today until closer to 2pm. Josh has a doctor appointment today and I'm going to get him to ask if you can take Tylenol PM or something while on these meds to help me sleep.

Normally I would only weight myself every week or so, but I needed to adjust some of the settings on my scale (goal weight, starting weight, etc) so I hopped back on again this morning. It said I'm down to 192 pounds?! It's probably just water weight or something though because I don't think it's possible to actually lose that much in one day. Especially since it would normally take me closer to a month to lose that much. I'll probably weight myself again on Monday, and then make Mondays my official weigh in days, so we will see if it's actual weight loss or not then.

I found an online period/ovulation tracker at that I'm gonna give a try. I only had two cycles to input and both of those were when I was on BC so I'm not expecting the predictions to be accurate. According to it I should be ovulating right now but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I don't know much about NFP, but I think I know what my fertile mucus looks like and it's no where to be seen. It says AF should be in town near the 22nd of August, so we will see.

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