Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I wish I was a man.

Well, that might be exaggerating a little... maybe I just wish I was a normal woman.

I've had more spotting since last week. Mostly nothing to write home about until today. Today I feel like I'm going to die. I hate it when I tell girls about my cramps and they say something like "oh, it's not that bad!". No ma'am, YOURS are not that bad. I feel like someone has taken a fiery hand blender to my insides. At least the week is half over and since I worked so much the last two days I'll be able to take it easy for the next three. I have class from 2-4:30 today and then I work until ~7:15 but then I can come home, curl up in a ball, and cry myself to sleep go to walmart because we have nothing to eat or drink. >.<

I went to my new endocrinologist today. His scale says I'm 5 pounds heavier than mine does. I've got another appointment in a month so I'm going to see if there's still a 5 pound difference. If so I'm going to chalk it up to scale configuration. I'm down to 185 according to my scale, BTW. He doubled my metformin dose and ordered a bunch of blood work. I know what some of it is for, but not others. This is what he's checking: 17-OH Progesteron D, CBC, CMP, Cortisol AM, DHEA-Sufate D, Estradiol, FSH, Insulin, LH, prolactin, Testosterone T&FR, and TSH. If you know what any of that means, feel free to leave a layman's definition in the comments. He also told me that whenever we decided to TTC I just had to give him the heads up and I'd have a clomid prescription. Even though that won't be for a while it's nice to know.

At some point a bunch of crap got piled up on the exercise bike that I should give a name. However I'm getting a much better strength and cardio workout at work than I would using that thing anyway lol.

That's all the updates for now I think. I'm gonna go lay down with my heating pad and listen to R.E.M now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tasha,
    Thanks for your comment today. I literally got out of my seat and went to get some water! As for cramps i am with you. I will second your fiery blender and add rusty lawnmower to the mix. UGH!
    I hate the way metformin taste. PS. Go drink some water! :)
