Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 6 - Monday Weigh In!

Don't I look sexy in my "it's okay to sweat in these" clothes and elbow brace? (It's okay to say "no, no you're not." XD)

As of this morning I weigh 189.8 pounds! That's a little over 5 pounds less than I did last Tuesday. How freaking amazing is that?! Under normal circumstances it would take a month or two to lose that much, if I was dieting pretty strict and exercising 5 days a week. While I have been watching my sugar to avoid getting nauseous, I haven't exactly been dieting... and I only worked out one day last week.

If you'll notice, my little virtual weight loss model girl has changed a bit. Apparently she changes to reflect the weight you've lost every ten pounds. I've decided that I'll do the same and take a new picture every ten pounds. I don't see a change between this one and the last one really, but it's only been five pounds not ten for this first one. And really, there's not *that* much of a change with the VWLM either, more like a shift in where the weight is sitting.

In slightly related news...

Josh is trying to convince me to rethink the whole "never touching that demon Adipex crap again" thing. It is obviously too strong for me, but there's a good chance it's helping. I care way more about health than I do about numbers on a scale, but I also have to realize that losing weight is a big part of getting healthy. I'm going to look some stuff up online/call a pharmacist and see if I can only take half a pill, or maybe only take it every other day or something. If I can find a way to get some of the benefits while also avoiding flushing my metabolism down the crapper then I'll do it. If not I'll just wait till my doctor appointment at the end of the month and see what she thinks is best.

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