Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day One - It begins

Today is my first day on Metformin. I have been instructed to take 500mg twice a day. We will reevaluate the strength at my appointment next month. My doctor has also prescribed me Adipex to help boost my weight loss, but I'm not so excited about taking it. It's supposed to suppress your appetite, but my appetite already sucks! My husband Josh says that I should try taking it and see how it goes, so I will.... *grumble, grumble, grumble*

As of this morning my weight was 195.2 according to our handy bathroom scale. That's the heaviest I've ever been. If you want to see a picture I posted one in the blog below.

AF last came to visit like a week ago. Lasted about three weeks. First week was light, second was really heavy with lots of cramps, and third was super duper light. I think I'm going to have to find some kind of AF calender so I can see if this stuff is actually working. Otherwise I'll just forget when my last period was lol. If you have any suggestions for that kind of thing let me know!

I was also thinking of starting NPF to see if and when I start ovulating again but I'm not sure about it. Once school starts in two weeks I might not keep up with it very good. Heck, I might not even keep up with this! So we will see...

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