Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm supposed to be happy about this... right?

You know how yesterday I mentioned AF was due to arrive in about a week? Well guess who showed up early! I guess the bloating was PMS related after all.

To be honest, I totally did not expect to get it again this soon based on my body pre-HBC. But this is good, right? This is one of the reasons I'm on the medications. It means my body at the very least isn't getting worse. I'm still late by the normal 28-day cycle (this one was 42 days), but it's an improvement over my last 46 day cycle. Seeing as that was when I was on HBC to regulate things I thought it would be much longer than that my first month off the hormones. Pre-HBC I could go as many as 9 months without even a postcard from AF.

So this is exciting. But still sucks, you know? Off to get some pineapple I suppose!

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